Awards 2021
29 projects were submitted in 2021
On the closing date, October 31st 2020, 29 projects reached us. All of them met the formal requirements. Due to covid regulations the award ceremony was broadcasted and distributed online. All winners and nominated applicants presented their innovation in the colorful setting of Centexbel. Did you miss the ceremony? You can still see it here.
Awards 2020
25 projects were submitted in 2020
On the closing date, October 2019, 25 projects reached us. Only one did not meet the formal requirements.
What happened in between October 30th 2019 and the awarding day, February 11th 2020?
- Jury evaluates the projects on formal requirements
- Concept projects are separated from Take-off projects
- Jury starts reading
- December 3th: a full day of pitches and jury
- December 2019: list of nominees is published
- February 2020: THE day. The awarding ceremony takes place at BARCO HQ in Kortrijk
Nominated projects in the two categories
(in alphabetic order):
- In the category TAKE OFF (innovations that are ready for the market):
COSH!, Digitex, Miokoo, Resortecs, Sioen - In the category CONCEPT (ideas and concepts that need further research): Lies Fauconnier, Jasna Rokegem, Bram Van Acker, Esther Van Schuylenbergh
- A special nomination goes to artist Ief Spincemaille

Esther van Schuylenbergh and Lies Fauconnier win the Concept award and €5000 in cash
Esther Van Schuylenbergh is a textile designer and textile teacher at the KASK in Ghent. From her fascination for dobby fabrics, she developed a unique 3D fabric. She did this in her own studio on a simple handloom. "The craft," she explains, "makes it possible to experiment extensively and develop an approach that can then be translated into industry."
What Tattoos do for the skin, Lies wants to make possible for clothing. And no, Lies Fauconnier is not tattooed from head to toe. She is not even extravagantly dressed. Yet it is her passion for the world of tattoos that gave her the idea to develop an instrument with which you can personalize clothing. “Identity is very important today,” she says. And so is upcycling. I think that reusing textiles becomes more fascinating if you can personalize it. So I started thinking about how to do that. During my product design training, I developed an instrument to personalize clothing. And because the textile world continues to fascinate me, I am now also studying textile technology. ”